
First off, I'm doing this for myself so please don't suggest "use GMP / xint / bignum" (if it even applies).

I'm looking for a way to convert large integers (say, OVER 9000 digits) into a int32 array of 232 representations. The numbers will start out as base 10 strings.

For example, if I wanted to convert string a = "4294967300" (in base 10), which is just over INT_MAX, to the new base 232 array, it would be int32_t b[] = {1,5}. If int32_t b[] = {3,2485738}, the base 10 number would be 3 * 2^32 + 2485738. Obviously the numbers I'll be working with are beyond the range of even int64 so I can't exactly turn the string into an integer and mod my way to success.

I have a function that does subtraction in base 10. Right now I'm thinking I'll just do subtraction(char* number, "2^32") and count how many times before I get a negative number, but that will probably take a long time for larger numbers.

Can someone suggest a different method of conversion? Thanks.

Sorry in case you didn't see the tag, I'm working in C++

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Assuming your bignum class already has multiplication and addition, it's fairly simple:

 bignum str_to_big(char* str) {
     bignum result(0);
     while (*str) {
         result *= 10;
         result += (*str - '0');
         str = str + 1;
     return result;

Converting the other way is the same concept, but requires division and modulo

std::string big_to_str(bignum num) {
    std::string result;
    do {
        num /= 10;
    } while(num > 0);
    std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
    return result;

Both of these are for unsigned only.


To convert from base 10 strings to your numbering system, starting with zero continue adding and multiplying each base 10 digit by 10. Every time you have a carry add a new digit to your base 2^32 array.

The simplest (not the most efficient) way to do this is to write two functions, one to multiply a large number by an int, and one to add an int to a large number. If you ignore the complexities introduced by signed numbers, the code looks something like this:

(EDITED to use vector for clarity and to add code for actual question)

void mulbig(vector<uint32_t> &bignum, uint16_t multiplicand)
    uint32_t carry=0;
    for( unsigned i=0; i<bignum.size(); i++ ) {
        uint64_t r=((uint64_t)bignum[i] * multiplicand) + carry;
    if( carry )

void addbig(vector<uint32_t> &bignum, uint16_t addend)
    uint32_t carry=addend;
    for( unsigned i=0; carry && i<bignum.size(); i++ ) {
        uint64_t r=(uint64_t)bignum[i]  + carry;
    if( carry )

Then, implementing atobignum() using those functions is trivial:

void atobignum(const char *str,vector<uint32_t> &bignum)
    while( *str ) {

I think Docjar: gnu/java/math/ might contain what you're looking for, specifically the code for public static int set_str (int dest[], byte[] str, int str_len, int base).

Start by converting the number to binary. Starting from the right, each group of 32 bits is a single base2^32 digit.

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