
I have overridden the checkout\cart\item\default.phtml in my theme. To get the 'used' coupon code I've found below rules in other questions:

$getCoupon = $block->getLayout()->createBlock('Magento\Checkout\Block\Cart\Coupon');
$coupon_code = $getCoupon->getCouponCode();

This is working fine, however I need the RuleId so I can check whether the correct coupon code type is used.

In a class with DI I can resolve this with:

$ruleId = $this->coupon->loadByCode($coupon_code)->getRuleId();
// coupon => use Magento\SalesRule\Model\Coupon;

There is no such block that I can import so I can have access to the getRuleId function?

What is the correct manner to establish this?

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Yes, you can get rule_id by coupon_code

Try this to get the rule id using helper

In your helper

namespace {Vendor}\{ModuleName}\Helper;                                   
class Data extends \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper               
 public function __construct(
    \Magento\SalesRule\Model\CouponFactory $couponFactory
 ) {
    $this->couponFactory = $couponFactory;
public function getItem($code = '')
    $code = 'XXXXXX'; //your coupon code which you've got on default.phtml
    $collect = $this->couponFactory->create()->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('code', $code);
    $couponId = array();
    foreach ($collect as $value) {
        $couponId = $value->getRuleId();

then in your default.phtml

call this and pass the coupon code as a params to the helper function as below

$this->helper('{Vendor}\{ModuleName}\Helper\Data')->getItem($couponCode); //send the coupon code which you've got

Hope this helps :)

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