
i have a bunch of images that are positioned absolutely, i want to be able to click a button and have them all animate to where they would normally be on the page if they had the position: relative.

so is it even possible to animate from position:absolute to position:relative in jquery?

this is what i have:


    $(".book_img").animate({position:'relative', top:'0px', left:'0px'}, 1000)

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No, you cannot animate it directly but you can find out the end point and animate the position there. Something like this might work when animation to the static position:

$('').each(function() {

    var el = $(this);

    // Make it static
        visibility: 'hidden', // Hide it so the position change isn't visible
        position: 'static'

    // Get the static position
    var end = el.position();

    // Turn it back to absolute
        visibility: 'visible', // Show it
        position: 'absolute'
    }).animate({ // Animate to the static position
        left: end.left
    }, function() { // Make it static
        $(this).css('position', 'static');

It's a bit hacky, but it should work.


I don't think you can do that. jQuery animate only works on any "numeric CSS property".


However, you could check the element's current location (call .position()), set the position to relative, and animate from the original location to the current one.

I like Tatu's solution but found this reusable code to be better for my purposes:

function specialSlide(el, properties, options){
        visibility: 'hidden', // Hide it so the position change isn't visible
        position: 'static'
    var origPos = el.position();
        visibility: 'visible', // Unhide it (now that position is 'absolute')
        position: 'absolute',
        left: origPos.left
    }).animate(properties, options);

Let's say I want to slide $('#elementToMove') to a new position, and I want it to take 1000 milliseconds to move. I can call this:

var props = {'top' : 200, 'left' : 300};
var options = {'duration': 1000};
specialSlide($('#elementToMove'), props, options);

You can try the css method to make it relative and then animate.


    $(".book_img").css({'position': 'relative'}).animate({top:'0px', left:'0px'}, 1000)

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