
I wanted to start using the Amazon Simple Notification Service, but I have not found any Perl libraries that I can use to access the service. I would rather not create my own library, I wanted to see if anybody has used any Perl libraries for the SNS service, and if they would recommend any.

Was it helpful?

Solution 2

I used Net::Amazon::AWSSign in conjunction with a tiny script:


use Net::Amazon::AWSSign;

$ACCESS_KEY_ID="<my key id>";
$SECRET_KEY="<my secret key>";
$TOPIC_ARN='<my topic arn>';
$TOPIC_ARN =~ s/:/%3A/g;
$MESSAGE="This is a test";

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);

$year += 1900;

$timestamp = sprintf("%4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2dT%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.000Z",
$timestamp =~ s/:/%3A/g;


my $awsSign=new Net::Amazon::AWSSign("$ACCESS_KEY_ID", "$SECRET_KEY");

$signed = $awsSign->addRESTSecret($REQUEST);

$res = `curl -s -o- '$signed'`;
if ($res =~ /<error>/) {
        print "ERROR!\n";
        return 1;


I actually used XML::Simple in the end, and passed the result from Curl to XMLIn, to parse the XML that Amazon returns. Do what you will...


Amazon::SNS exists. The docs are pretty sparse but it looks like it does the basics, and the code quality looks fine to me.

I used Brad's as the starting point, thanks Brad! I had the change the localtime to gmtime. I was also not using topics but Target ARNs and using role based authentication. I had to pass the SecurityToken to get it to work and the Message only worked for android push when I put it in a GCM json wrapper. In the code I use my Application name in the TargetARN to detect the platform and adjust the payload accordingly. Note: Windows code it untested.

One last item of note is the crazy nested json encoding that seems to be required of SNS.

    sub send_sns
# required arguments: endpoint (AWS SNS endpoint), message
        my $args = shift;
        my $TargetArn=encode_url($args->{endpoint});
        my $message=$args->{message};
        my $data = {};
        my $json = JSON->new->utf8->allow_nonref;
        if ($args->{endpoint} =~ /GCM\/[a-z]+_android\//) {
#               Android
                my $dataString = $json->encode($data);
                $message = '{"GCM": '.$json->encode( $dataString ).'}';
        } elsif ($args->{endpoint} =~ /APNS\/[a-z]+_apple_ios\//) {
#               iOS
                my $dataString = $json->encode($data);
                $message = '{"APNS": '.$json->encode( $dataString ).'}';
        } elsif ($args->{endpoint} =~ /ADM\/[a-z]+_windows\//) {
#               windows (incomplete)
                my $dataString = $json->encode($data);
                $message = '{"ADM": '.$json->encode( $dataString ).'}';
        use Net::Amazon::AWSSign;
        my $credentials = qx[ curl -s --fail ];
        my $credObj = decode_json($credentials);
        my $ACCESS_KEY_ID=$credObj->{AccessKeyId};
        my $SECRET_KEY=$credObj->{SecretAccessKey};
        my $token=$credObj->{Token};
        my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);
        $year += 1900;
        my $timestamp = sprintf("%4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2dT%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.000Z",
        $timestamp =~ s/:/%3A/g;
        my $REQUEST="".
        my $awsSign=new Net::Amazon::AWSSign("$ACCESS_KEY_ID", "$SECRET_KEY");
        my $signed = $awsSign->addRESTSecret($REQUEST);
        $res = `curl -s -o- '$signed'`;
print "returns: $res\n" if -t;
        if ($res =~ /<error>/) {
                print "ERROR!\n";
                return 1;
        } else {
                return 0;
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