
I usually have to login in 20 to 50 times daily as a super user, typing the long password again and again..

i have just created a simple bash script


sudo -s
echo password


output root@localhost: password when i execute it, it works like charm... but it shows my password on the screen.....

do some one have any other best solution...... for this small problem.......

i hope this is not all the solution in security standard...... can we have any other solution with out exposing my password.....

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You can configure sudo to require a password only every so many minutes. The default is 5 minutes. Read the sudoers man page and scroll down to this:

               Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask
               for a passwd again.  The timeout may include a
               fractional component if minute granularity is
               insufficient, for example 2.5.  The default is 5.  Set
               this to 0 to always prompt for a password.  If set to a
               value less than 0 the user's timestamp will never
               expire.  This can be used to allow users to create or
               delete their own timestamps via sudo -v and sudo -k


You can pipe the echo'd password into a command. Try something like this:

echo myPassword | sudo -S 

You can see come more info on this here.

Question is, do you REALLY want your password in a shell script file? (just emphasizing that its a terrible idea)

Is there a reason that you can't sudo su - to just become the root user instead of prepending all of your commands with sudo blah?

just change ownership of the script to root & set SUID-Bit in user the permissions

chmod u=rws g+x o+x script123

the script will run as root for every user

simple solution is to use key base authentication Use ssh-copy-id instead following from this tutorial which is secure

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