
I'm using Delphi 2007.

I need write a FormatDateTime function that always return 01/01/ to a TDateEdit box (DevExpress component) as EditValue.

I've already tried...

tcxDateEdit1.EditValue := FormatDateTime('01/01/'+ 'yyyy',now);


tcxDateEdit1.EditValue := FormatDateTime('01/01/yyyy',Now);

but none of them worked. It result in an error of converting variant of type string to double. "Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)"

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I'm only guessing but your EditValue property seems to be of TDateTime (or TDate) type (while FormatDateTime returns a string). If that's true you could try the following:

tcxDateEdit1.EditValue := EncodeDate(YearOf(Now), 1, 1);

See also: YearOf, EncodeDate, FormatDateTime documentation

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