
Is there any way to do offline syncing with a rails project?

In other words, our client is using their site to show a photo gallery, but they need to be able to do it without an active internet connection. At any time, they can get back online - and download any new data - to be able to continue showing their gallery?


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Solution 2

I have decided to use rack-offline, but no one answered it.

It can be found at github if anyone is interested.


You will have to make a javascript client application, that stores changes and state inside the HTML5 local storage. So for the user he can do actions, which can be saved/synced later to the server (e.g. when he is connected to the internet again).

Sproutcore would be ideal for this. I am not sure if any of the up and coming javascript libraries (Backbone.js, spine.js) interact with local storage.

Hope this helps.

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