
I'm using the Paragraphs grid module to display multiple paragraph entities in a grid. I followed the getting-started video and created a test page (see below for the source it generated), but it seems to be ignoring the grid settings I've chosen. I started by setting my first paragraph to full-width, and the next two to "2 columns" as shown in the video.

Looking at the elements in Chrome's inspector, the only classes set on these paragraphs contain only seemingly non-grid-related types: paragraph paragraph--type--basic-paragraph paragraph--view-mode--default paragraph--id--14. The source from what I can tell contains no grid-related markup or classes.

What could be causing the module not to behave as expected?

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<p>Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? </p>

<p>Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? Why isn't this working? Also, where's the summary? </p></div>
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Paragraphs won't render markup for a particular content type if you don't set the format for its Paragraphs fields to Paragraphs Grid (rendered entity) as shown below.

Remember to make sure that if you have any custom display settings, that you also go to their tab and set the Paragraphs fields similarly. If you have the format set to the default (Rendered entity), Paragraphs will not generate the necessary markup.


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