
I'm trying to execute a SQL job using T-SQL in my application on a SSAS cube. Here is what I have got so far:

public void UpdateCube()
    AdomdConnection conn3 = new AdomdConnection("Data Source=BTN-SQL1;Initial Catalog=BTNTurboAnalysisServices;");
    AdomdCommand cmd = conn3.CreateCommand();

    cmd.CommandText = "EXEC [SalesAnalysis].sp_start_job N'Process BTN SSAS'; GO";



[SalesAnalysis] is the name of my cube and 'Process BTN SSAS' is the name of my SQL job.

The error I receive is:

Query (1, 6) Parser: The syntax for '[SalesAnalysis]' is incorrect.

Any help would be appreciate, thanks!

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sp_start_job is a stored procedure in master.dbo try

exec master.dbo.sp_start_job N'Process BTN SSAS'; GO";

Also, as master.dbo.sp_start_job is a SQL stored procedure, you'll need to use a SQL connection with ADO.NET (System.Database.SQLClient.SQLConnection) to kick it off, not ADOMD. As sp_start_job just kicks off SQLAgent jobs, you'll need to make sure it's running as well.

There are some methods in ADOMD that allow you to process cubes, but I can't recall them off the top of my head.

Something like

   Server server = new Server();

    Database database = server.Databases.FindByName(databaseName);
    Cube cube = database.Cubes.FindByName(cubeName);

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