
I created custom module following the Creating a custom module on Drupal tutorial.

The teacher of this tutorial demonstrated how you can create a custom module that displays on the page Hello world. But I have a slightly more difficult task. I need to create a custom module that will display the weather on the page, receiving data using API, like this.


What I did.

I created the file.

name: Weather module              
description: Weather module 
core: 8.x                               
type: module                        
package: Weather  

I created the weather.routing.yml file.

  path: '/weather'
    _controller: '\Drupal\weather\Controller\WeatherPage::getWeather'                          
     _permission: 'access content'  

In src/Controller, I created the WeatherPage.php file.

namespace Drupal\weather\Controller;        

class WeatherPage
  public function getWeather($city)
    $response = file_get_contents(''.$city.',uk&appid=32ae008b1c7259324aa50450687fabf5&units=metric');
    $jsn = json_decode($response);
    echo $jsn->main->temp; 
    echo '<br>'; 
    echo $jsn->main->pressure; 
    echo '<br>'; 
    echo $city; 

$class = new WeatherPage();


I get an error related to the controller.

enter image description here

How do I fix this error?

P.S. One forum user writes that the problem may be due to:

  • The controller must return the array
  • No code should be behind the class

I'm a Drupal newbie.

Was it helpful?


You need to add the parameter to the path. Change this:

path: '/weather'

To this:

path: '/weather/{city}'

Note that the parameter name {city} must be expressed as the parameter $city in your callback (which you've done). If you for exampled changed the function definition to getWeather($c), you would get an error.

Also, you need to remove this code:

$class = new WeatherPage();


And finally, you'll need to return a render array. Change this:

echo $jsn->main->temp; 

To this:

return [
  '#markup' => $jsn->main->temp,
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