
I have a Rails Builder template:

# in app/views/foos/index.xml.builder:
xml.Module do |mod|
  mod.Content :type => 'url',
          :href => foos_url(:bar => 'baz',
                            :yoo => 'hoo')

(It creates the XML for an OpenSocial Module file, but that's not important.)

The problem is that the rendered XML looks like this:

  <Content type="url" href=";amp;yoo=hoo"/>

That URL suffix should be "bar=baz&yoo=hoo." How do I keep Builder from escaping the amerpsand?


Perhaps the URL suffix should be "bar=baz&amp;yoo=hoo" in the source for XML-validity rules, but certainly it shouldn't be double-escaped, should it?

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I know I'm late here - but for anyone coming in from google (like me) the trick is to add an :escape => false to the url_for - that way the url only gets escaped once.


I guess it's because XHTML requires the & to be escaped as &amp; (even in URLs) and the XML where you stores the URL requires this too, giving a double escapement (&amp;amp;) which will decode to &amp; in the URL, which is perfectly valid in HTML (and mandatory in XHTML).

For example, the following code is valid XHTML linking to

<a href=";c=d">link</a>

So my guess would be that foos_url returns you an url already containing a &amp;, then it is escaped again by your XML module.

No it shouldn't, otherwise the generated XML file would be invalid, a correct parser will translate &amp; back to & when parsing the file.

Edit : nevermind, &amp; got translated into & in the first message.

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