
On startup, Tomcat recursively scans the WEB-INF directories for TLD (Tag Library Descriptor) files. As a result, if a webapp has a lot of files under that directory, it slows down the startup process. Does anyone know if there is a way in that situation to turn off scanning completely, or at least provide a filter to narrow the search?

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You can add processTlds attributes in the context,

  <Context processTlds="false" ... />

However, your TLDs defined in the JAR file wouldn't work without scanning the JARs. You have to define all TLDs in WEB-INF.


I was puzzled by the same problem. Looking into source code of Tomcat 7.0.40, it is not possible to avoid jars scanning by setting 'processTlds=false', they will still be scanned for web fragments (ContextConfig.processJarsForWebFragments()).

There are 2 options remaining:

Set property in TOMCAT_HOME/conf/


Replace StandardJarScanner by your own implementation, for example empty one and refer to it from my.war/META-INF/context.xml:

<Context processTlds="false">
    <JarScanner className=""/>

In latter case you'll need to make sure that NullJarScanner class is available in tomcat's lib directory, not your .war

On Tomcat 8 it can be solved by adding the META-INF\context.xml with the configuration seen below to your WAR file. No need to change the global Tomcat configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <JarScanFilter tldSkip="*.*"/>

The relevant documentation is available here:

As an alternative (if you still prefer to scan some JARs) you could append new values to "tomcat.util.scan.DefaultJarScanner.jarsToSkip" property in "{TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/".

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