
I have begun to do some research about Evolutionary Art algorithm. I read a lot of documents about it. But it seems not easy to understand. The website is a great example for this. But I don't need this in the beginning because it is too complex. Where can I find some simple code about this in Java? I think read code could help me much. Thanks!!!

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"Evolutionary Design by Computers" By David Bentley (amazon) has a couple of chapters on evolutionary art. However i dont think it includes any code / pseudocode. The canonical GA should do all you need, however the termination condition could be tricky as art is a subjective subject. (Not objective and therefore enumerable)

Hope this helps...


It looks like the EJC library might help you out, and it looks like a number of open source projects/tools come up if you Google for "java evolutionary computing."

I don't know how simple it is, and believe me it needs to be cleaned up a bit, but I have something that might get you started at It doesn't deal with art, rather game theory, but you can use it under the terms of the GPLv3 if you'd like. That uses Genetic Programming... I have another example using a more vanilla EA I might put up later.

Instead of evolving programs to play "Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma," you would evolve programs to generate an art work. The fun part is coming up with a way to "score" an image for its fitness. (Although Picbreeder seems to skip scoring by having you pick the mating pool directly...)

Check this app: EvoPic, its An evolutionary picture creator that uses Steady-State Genetic Algorithm, to produce evolutionary pictures by drawing uni-code characters in a picture box.

Example: enter image description here

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