
This is my warning.

implicit declaration of function 'exit'

How i can remove it.

i am using linux & gcc compiler.

Was it helpful?



#include <stdlib.h>

to the top of your program.


Do you have this preprocessor? If not, add it.

#include <stdlib.h>

exit() is a library function, the respecive prototypes are present in the stdlib.h header file, inoder to call the process to specified code for exit function, you need to attach the as #include stdlib.h header in your program. that is the reason we should add the stdlib.h header. eventhough you can run the program, but it shows the warning message like below:

warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’ [enabled by default]      

but, this kind of program not recommended, we need to take care of what we are given in the program,be cautious. warning may leads runtime error.

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