
I'm working on and project that uses two separate modular Django apps. However, one app requires easy-thumbnails and the other requires sorl-thumbnails. Unfortunately, the two thumbnail libraries make use of the template tag syntax {% load thumbnail %}, so they clash and break when a template using them tries to render.

Are there any approaches to solve this type of clash? (For example, a template option does to the effect of {% load thumbnail as easy_thumbnail %}). Am I going to have to fork one of the apps and replace one of the thumbnail libraries with another? If so, which should I choose to go with?

Thank you for considering my question, Joe

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In Django 1.9, you can use the libraries option of DjangoTemplates to include a tag library under a specified name. In the example below, the thumbnail library from sorl.thumbnail is included under the name sorl_thumbnail.

Note: the templatetag itself is not changed within the template... ie. remains thumbnail


        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "foo", "templates")],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
            'libraries': {
                'sorl_thumbnail': 'sorl.thumbnail.templatetags.thumbnail',


{% load sorl_thumbnail %}
{% thumbnail mymodel.image "640x480" crop="center" as im %}
    <img src="{{ im.url }}" width="{{im.width}}" height="{{im.height}}"/>
{% endthumbnail %}


Sure, just write your own stub easy_thumbnail wrapper...

  1. Create a thumbnailtags package in one of your django apps...
  2. ...making sure it's got an empty
  3. In thumbnailtags/ do something like:

    from django.template import Library
    from easy_thumbnails.templatetags import thumbnail
    register = Library()    
    def easy_thumbnail(parser, token):
        return thumbnail(parser, token)
  4. Use {% load easy_thumbnail %}


You might also be able to do 'import thumbnail as easy_thumbnail, and skip the def easy_thumbnail bit, tho I've not tried that.


I had to do the following modifications to Tom Christie's answer in order to get this to work:

  1. create a templatetags package in one of you local apps. It is important to name it templatetags. See django docs for template tags.
  2. ... make sure it has an, empty or not.
  3. In templatetags/ do this:

    from django.template import Library
    from easy_thumbnails.templatetags import thumbnail
    register = Library()    
    def easy_thumbnail(parser, token):
        return thumbnail.thumbnail(parser, token) # the important bit
  4. Use {% load easy_thumbnail %} or - load easy_thumbnail with pyjade

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