
I have heard a lot about version control and would like to work on it. I read some tutorials about the same. However i am not quite sure how svn works with xampp. I have installed svn, Tortoise svn and made the necessary changes in xampp. For instance i copied the two required modules to c:/xampp/apache/modules and also made changes to the conf file in apache. Here are the changes made in c:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf.

# Configure Subversion repository
<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNPath C:\svn
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Subversion repository”
AuthUserFile c:\svn_conf\passwd
Require valid-user

I created the repository at c:/svn and also created the password file. However when i visit http:/localhost/svn i get a 404 page not found error. Where am i going wrong. what am i missing.? Any pointers?? Thanks in advance.

  • edit:

    i tried a little harder. changed the settings in httpd.conf files which are as above. But now i get the 500 error.

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The best guide for what you want is here:

I´ve googled all day...


Make these changes in this entry, SVNPath C:\svn should be SVNPath "C:\svn" AuthType Basic should be AuthType "Basic"
AuthName “Subversion repository” should be AuthName "Subversion repository" AuthUserFile c:\svn_conf\passwd should be AuthUserFile "c:\svn_conf\your_file_name_in_svn_conf"

Regards Hashim Ikram

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