
I use < C-\ >C to get the callers of one function, then I can press one number to jump to one caller. But if I want to jump to another caller, I had to press < C-T> to jump back, and press < C-\ >C again to get the caller list. Does cscope support history list recording ?

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If you are using VIM, you can try quick fix

:se cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-

Navigate next or previous result with :cn :cp

Use :cw to display cscope search result.


For one thing, you can use

:se cscopetag


:lcscope ....

With the latter you can even use :lolder and :lnewer to switch back and forth between previous cscope queries.

he cscopetag:

If 'cscopetag' set, the commands ":tag" and CTRL-] as well as "vim -t" will always use |:cstag| instead of the default :tag behavior. Effectively, by setting 'cst', you will always search your cscope databases as well as your tag files. The default is off. Examples:

:set cst
:set nocst

That way you you just


like always.

Alternatively, you can use

I have no real experience with cscope but take a look at :help cscopequickfix: with this option set the <C-\>c results are supposed to appear in the quickfix window.

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