
I have seen many examples of ARM (automatic resource management) on the web for Scala. It seems to be a rite-of-passage to write one, though most look pretty much like one another. I did see a pretty cool example using continuations, though.

At any rate, a lot of that code has flaws of one type or another, so I figured it would be a good idea to have a reference here on Stack Overflow, where we can vote up the most correct and appropriate versions.

Was it helpful?


For now Scala 2.13 has finally supported: try with resources by using Using :), Example:

val lines: Try[Seq[String]] =
  Using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt"))) { reader =>
    Iterator.unfold(())(_ => Option(reader.readLine()).map(_ -> ())).toList

or using Using.resource avoid Try

val lines: Seq[String] =
  Using.resource(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt"))) { reader =>
    Iterator.unfold(())(_ => Option(reader.readLine()).map(_ -> ())).toList

You can find more examples from Using doc.

A utility for performing automatic resource management. It can be used to perform an operation using resources, after which it releases the resources in reverse order of their creation.


Chris Hansen's blog entry 'ARM Blocks in Scala: Revisited' from 3/26/09 talks about about slide 21 of Martin Odersky's FOSDEM presentation. This next block is taken straight from slide 21 (with permission):

def using[T <: { def close() }]
    (resource: T)
    (block: T => Unit) 
  try {
  } finally {
    if (resource != null) resource.close()

--end quote--

Then we can call like this:

using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file"))) { r =>
  var count = 0
  while (r.readLine != null) count += 1

What are the drawbacks of this approach? That pattern would seem to address 95% of where I would need automatic resource management...

Edit: added code snippet

Edit2: extending the design pattern - taking inspiration from python with statement and addressing:

  • statements to run before the block
  • re-throwing exception depending on the managed resource
  • handling two resources with one single using statement
  • resource-specific handling by providing an implicit conversion and a Managed class

This is with Scala 2.8.

trait Managed[T] {
  def onEnter(): T
  def onExit(t:Throwable = null): Unit
  def attempt(block: => Unit): Unit = {
    try { block } finally {}

def using[T <: Any](managed: Managed[T])(block: T => Unit) {
  val resource = managed.onEnter()
  var exception = false
  try { block(resource) } catch  {
    case t:Throwable => exception = true; managed.onExit(t)
  } finally {
    if (!exception) managed.onExit()

def using[T <: Any, U <: Any]
    (managed1: Managed[T], managed2: Managed[U])
    (block: T => U => Unit) {
  using[T](managed1) { r =>
    using[U](managed2) { s => block(r)(s) }

class ManagedOS(out:OutputStream) extends Managed[OutputStream] {
  def onEnter(): OutputStream = out
  def onExit(t:Throwable = null): Unit = {
    if (t != null) throw t
class ManagedIS(in:InputStream) extends Managed[InputStream] {
  def onEnter(): InputStream = in
  def onExit(t:Throwable = null): Unit = {
    if (t != null) throw t

implicit def os2managed(out:OutputStream): Managed[OutputStream] = {
  return new ManagedOS(out)
implicit def is2managed(in:InputStream): Managed[InputStream] = {
  return new ManagedIS(in)

def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = {
  using(new FileInputStream("foo.txt"), new FileOutputStream("bar.txt")) { 
    in => out =>
    Iterator continually { } takeWhile( _ != -1) foreach { 


I've just recently deployed the scala-arm library for automatic resource management. You can find the documentation here:

This library supports three styles of usage (currently):

1) Imperative/for-expression:

import resource._
for(input <- managed(new FileInputStream("test.txt")) {
// Code that uses the input as a FileInputStream

2) Monadic-style

import resource._
val lines = for { input <- managed(new FileInputStream("test.txt"))
                  val bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)) 
                  line <- makeBufferedReaderLineIterator(bufferedReader)
                } yield line.trim()
lines foreach println

3) Delimited Continuations-style

Here's an "echo" tcp server:

import util.continuations._
import resource._
def each_line_from(r : BufferedReader) : String @suspendable =
  shift { k =>
    var line = r.readLine
    while(line != null) {
      line = r.readLine
reset {
  val server = managed(new ServerSocket(8007)) !
  while(true) {
    // This reset is not needed, however the  below denotes a "flow" of execution that can be deferred.
    // One can envision an asynchronous execuction model that would support the exact same semantics as below.
    reset {
      val connection = managed(server.accept) !
      val output = managed(connection.getOutputStream) !
      val input = managed(connection.getInputStream) !
      val writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output)))
      val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input))

The code makes uses of a Resource type-trait, so it's able to adapt to most resource types. It has a fallback to use structural typing against classes with either a close or dispose method. Please check out the documentation and let me know if you think of any handy features to add.

Here's James Iry solution using continuations:

// standard using block definition
def using[X <: {def close()}, A](resource : X)(f : X => A) = {
   try {
   } finally {

// A DC version of 'using' 
def resource[X <: {def close()}, B](res : X) = shift(using[X, B](res))

// some sugar for reset
def withResources[A, C](x : => A @cps[A, C]) = reset{x}

Here are the solutions with and without continuations for comparison:

def copyFileCPS = using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.txt"))) {
  reader => {
   using(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("test_copy.txt"))) {
      writer => {
        var line = reader.readLine
        var count = 0
        while (line != null) {
          count += 1
          line = reader.readLine

def copyFileDC = withResources {
  val reader = resource[BufferedReader,Int](new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.txt")))
  val writer = resource[BufferedWriter,Int](new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("test_copy.txt")))
  var line = reader.readLine
  var count = 0
  while(line != null) {
    count += 1
    writer write line
    line = reader.readLine

And here's Tiark Rompf's suggestion of improvement:

trait ContextType[B]
def forceContextType[B]: ContextType[B] = null

// A DC version of 'using'
def resource[X <: {def close()}, B: ContextType](res : X): X @cps[B,B] = shift(using[X, B](res))

// some sugar for reset
def withResources[A](x : => A @cps[A, A]) = reset{x}

// and now use our new lib
def copyFileDC = withResources {
 implicit val _ = forceContextType[Int]
 val reader = resource(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.txt")))
 val writer = resource(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("test_copy.txt")))
 var line = reader.readLine
 var count = 0
 while(line != null) {
   count += 1
   writer write line
   line = reader.readLine

I see a gradual 4 step evolution for doing ARM in Scala:

  1. No ARM: Dirt
  2. Only closures: Better, but multiple nested blocks
  3. Continuation Monad: Use For to flatten the nesting, but unnatural separation in 2 blocks
  4. Direct style continuations: Nirava, aha! This is also the most type-safe alternative: a resource outside withResource block will be type error.

There is light-weight (10 lines of code) ARM included with better-files. See:

import better.files._
for {
  in <- inputStream.autoClosed
  out <- outputStream.autoClosed
} in.pipeTo(out)
// The input and output streams are auto-closed once out of scope

Here is how it is implemented if you don't want the whole library:

  type Closeable = {
    def close(): Unit

  type ManagedResource[A <: Closeable] = Traversable[A]

  implicit class CloseableOps[A <: Closeable](resource: A) {        
    def autoClosed: ManagedResource[A] = new Traversable[A] {
      override def foreach[U](f: A => U) = try {
      } finally {

How about using Type classes

trait GenericDisposable[-T] {
   def dispose(v:T):Unit

def using[T,U](r:T)(block:T => U)(implicit disp:GenericDisposable[T]):U = try {
} finally { 
   Option(r).foreach { r => disp.dispose(r) } 

Another alternative is Choppy's Lazy TryClose monad. It's pretty good with database connections:

val ds = new JdbcDataSource()
val output = for {
  conn  <- TryClose(ds.getConnection())
  ps    <- TryClose(conn.prepareStatement("select * from MyTable"))
  rs    <- TryClose.wrap(ps.executeQuery())
} yield wrap(extractResult(rs))

// Note that Nothing will actually be done until 'resolve' is called
output.resolve match {
    case Success(result) => // Do something
    case Failure(e) =>      // Handle Stuff

And with streams:

val output = for {
  outputStream      <- TryClose(new ByteArrayOutputStream())
  gzipOutputStream  <- TryClose(new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream))
  _                 <- TryClose.wrap(gzipOutputStream.write(content))
} yield wrap({gzipOutputStream.flush(); outputStream.toByteArray})

output.resolve.unwrap match {
  case Success(bytes) => // process result
  case Failure(e) => // handle exception

More info here:

Here is @chengpohi's answer, modified so it works with Scala 2.8+, instead of just Scala 2.13 (yes, it works with Scala 2.13 also):

def unfold[A, S](start: S)(op: S => Option[(A, S)]): List[A] =
    .iterate(op(start))(_.flatMap{ case (_, s) => op(s) })

def using[A <: AutoCloseable, B](resource: A)
                                (block: A => B): B =
  try block(resource) finally resource.close()

val lines: Seq[String] =
  using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt"))) { reader =>
    unfold(())(_ => Option(reader.readLine()).map(_ -> ())).toList
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