
I am looking for a simple unpatented one-way encryption algorithm, preferably in c. I would like to use it to validate passwords.

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SHA-1 and the rest of its family were patented by the US government which "has released the patent under a royalty free license". Many public-domain implementations may be found through Google. :-)


The correct name for 'one-way encryption algorithm' is 'hashing algorithm' (you did mean a way to 'scramble' a password so that it can never be recovered, right?)

Do not use md5 in modern applications, successful attacks on it have been showing up since 2004 (see for references). Use the SHA family.

In fact using a hash is not enought. you should use a salt to limit them and a more advanced technique such as bcrypt limits the possibilities of guessing the password

just use the crypt(3) function

here's the background

SHA-1 seems like a good suggestion, or, if you believe that SHA-1 is close to being cracked, one of the SHA-2 family.

You may feel that MD5 isn't "safe" enough.

MD5 has suited me fine so far.

MD5 and SHA512 (or another SHA-2 variant) both have theoretical vulnerabilities identified in them. I don't think SHA has yet been demonstrated as broken but the possability exists. Whirlpool is a royalty free hash algorithm that has (as yet) not shown any weakness. This page has a link to the C reference implementation.

Why does MD5 or SHA1 not work for you?


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