
Please see gist here:

Essentially, I'm trying to save a photo from the AVCaptureSession, I'm grabbing the output from an AVCaptureStillImageOutput, converting it into a UIImage and trying to send it to the WriteImageToSavedPhotosAlbum method on ALAssetLibrary.

The reason for doing this is so I can grab the asset url once it's been saved (UIImage.SaveToPhotosAlbum works fine but doesn't let me extract the filename created)

The method is throwing an error

Failed to encode image for saved photos.

Does anyone know how to fix this? I also looked at passing the raw NSData jpeg stream from the AVCaptureStillImageOutput but can't work out how to get the metadata NSDictionary to pass through.

Many Thanks

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The WriteImageToSavedPhotosAlbum overloads that takes a UIImage were incorrectly bound (they should take a CGImage instead). This has now been fixed, and there is a hotfix available in this bug report.

In the mean time you should be able to use the WriteImageToSavedPhotosAlbum that takes the raw NSData stream, passing a non-null NSDictionary (like in the sample code in this bug report).

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