
Is there anyway to create a vanity url "catch all" route whilst maintaining the default /module/controller/action/value routing structure?


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You could use the PreDispatch() hook on a front controller plugin. Like so:

In your bootstrap

$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
// Set our Front Controller Plugin
$frontController->registerPlugin(new Mystuff_Frontplugin());


Then inside Mystuff/Frontplugin.php


class Mystuff_Frontplugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract

    public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)

        $controllerFile = $this->_GetRequestedControllerFile();

        if (!is_file($controllerFile)) {
            // Controller does not exist
            // re-route to another location



Also preDispatch() is a handy location to handle application wide authentication.


It's better if you setup a custom route, for example in your bootstrap:

protected function _initRoutes() {
     $front = $this->getResource('frontController');
     $router = $front->getRouter();

         new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
                   'controller' => 'profiles',
                   'action' => 'view_profile'

This way you can still have the default route and have a custom route that will redirect everything under /profile/jhon.doe then under your controller you get the parameter using $this->_getParam('username');

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