
I've been doing some reading up this morning on developing client notification systems, and nodeJS seems to be part of my solution.

This question gave me some ideas, but I think what I want is a little more. And, it left me (after some research) with questions as to using Redis on a Windows server.

Communicating between Node.Js and ASP.NET MVC Application

So, to my question. I'm currently using MassTransit, and I'm happy with pub/sub in there, but how do I notify my clients? If I use nodejs to allow something like socketio to create connections with, I'm not seeing how I link node to my mvc layer.

I'm going to release this into a production Windows environment, so I can't use redis if it's not stable on Windows. It sounded like that would have been my missing link.

edit: I did intend to ask if couchdb is an option, and is it stable on windows as an alternative to redid?

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You can use ZeroMQ, it can manage your pub-sub if you don't want to rely on Redis or you can just use MassTransit with the Node.js library from here:

You really don't have to link your MVC app with your Socket.IO code, what you should do is keep them de-coupled and communicating through pub-sub. So each time you want to send a message to notify the users, you publish a message and the SocketIO logic gets it (being subscribed to a specific pubsub channel).

Another useful resource: Communicating between Node.Js and ASP.NET MVC Application

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