
Maven spews out far too many lines of output to my taste (I like the Unix way: no news is good news).

I want to get rid of all [INFO] lines, but I couldn't find any mention of an argument or config settings that controls the verbosity of Maven.

Is there no LOG4J-like way to set the log level?

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You can try the -q switch.

-q,--quiet Quiet output - only show errors


-q as said above is what you need. An alternative could be

-B, --batch-mode Run in non-interactive (batch) mode Batch mode is essential if you need to run Maven in a non-interactive, continuous integration environment. When running in non-interactive mode, Maven will never stop to accept input from the user. Instead, it will use sensible default values when it requires input.

And will also reduce the output messages more or less to the essentials.

Use the -q or --quiet command-line options

Official link :

You can add in the JVM parameters :


Beware of UPPERCASE.

Maven 3.1.x uses SLF4j for logging, you can find instructions how to configure it at

In short: Either modify ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf/logging/, or set the same properties via the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable.

For example: setting MAVEN_OPTS to‌​i.transfer.Slf4jMave‌​nTransferListener=wa‌​rn configures the logging of the batch mode transfer listener, and -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=warn sets the default log level.

If you only want to get rid of the [INFO] messages you also could do:

mvn ... | fgrep -v "[INFO]"

To suppress all outputs (except errors) you could redirect stdout to /dev/null with:

mvn ... 1>/dev/null

(This only works if you use bash (or similar shells) to run the Maven commands.)

The existing answer help you filter based on the log-level using --quiet. I found that many INFO messages are useful for debugging, however the downloading artifact log messages such as the following were noisy and not helpful.

Downloading: http://nexus:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/maven-metadata.xml

I found this solution:

mvn clean install -B

My problem is that -q is too quiet. I'm running maven under CI

With Maven 3.6.1 (April 2019), you now have an option to suppress the transfer progress when downloading/uploading in interactive mode.

mvn --no-transfer-progress ....

or in short:

mvn -ntp ... ....

That is what Ray proposed in the comments with MNG-6605 and PR 239.

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