
I'm trying to use the LibGit2Sharp library resond to basic GIT commands such as clone and push with ASP.MVC and not sure how i should set up my controllers to respond accordingly.

Does GIT initiate a HTTP GET and POST request when cloning pushing? And should my controllers be set up like

public ActionResult Clone(string path)
  //Return repo as stream?

public ActionResult Push(string path)
  //Commit to repo


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From what I understand, you're trying to code something similar to git-daemon. Unfortunately, LibGit2Sharp doesn't implement network-related features yet.

Thus, it's not possible to serve push, pull, clone or fetch requests from ASP.Net MVC yet.

@synhershko 's issue in LibGit2Sharp tracker deals with a related subject: Proper pull, fetch, merge support

EDIT: If you wish to get a better understanding about Git transfer protocols from an HTTP perspective, I'd warmly recommend the following resources to start with:

Then, I'm afraid you'll have to dig into the code in order to get a better grasp of how it "works". My experience is that starting with JGit (java reimplementation of Git) code is a bit easier than a straight dive into the original Git C code. You'll find JGit transport related code here.

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