
What's the best way of showing site usage statistics in a page? I know I can view the stats from /_layouts/SpUsageSite.aspx and from designer also, but if I want to show this information in a customized way for a target audience, how can I show this data in a page? at least I need to show "recently visited pages".

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Solution 2

thanks all but I solved my problem quite easily, I simply used

spweb.GetUsageData(SPUsageReportType, SPUsagePeriodType)

didn't know SPWeb has such method, its enough for my requirement. thank you @Chris SPUsage is also one solution I think, I'll try it next time


You need to use the SharePoint class for return reports. See the SPUsage class on MSDN (

From the SP main page, go to the Site Actions, Site Settings, Modify All Site Settings and then select site Usage reports under the Site Administration column.

Once the page loads and shows you the stats. copy the url out of the browser and then ad that to a List or annoucements and then add that to your page as a web part with a hyper link to the stats report.

you could also create a new web-page and then insert an I-frame object with the stats report url and then link the new page to the parent site using a List.

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