
I use Jexl lib from apache and have some problems with using the evaluate() method of Expression class. Here is the code of NelderMead class:

import org.apache.commons.jexl2.*;

public class NelderMead {
    // контсанты
    private static int      M = 3;
    private static double   E = 0.005;
    private static double   A = 1.000;
    private static double   B = 0.500;
    private static double   Y = 2.000;

    // переменные
    private JexlEngine jexl;
    private Expression func;
    private String funcString = "";
    private MapContext[] iterations;

    public NelderMead(){
        this.jexl = new JexlEngine();

    public NelderMead(String funcString){
        this.jexl = new JexlEngine();

    public void setFunc(String funcString){
        this.funcString = funcString;
        this.func = this.jexl.createExpression(funcString);

    public double funcEval(MapContext args){
    return ((Double) this.func.evaluate(args)).doubleValue();


    public boolean checkCriterian(){
        return true;

And the code of testcase is:

import org.apache.commons.jexl2.MapContext;

public class Test {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NelderMead nm = new NelderMead("(x1-2)^4+(x1-2*x2)^2");
        MapContext mc = new MapContext();
        mc.set("x1", 2);
        mc.set("x2", 1);



And when I run the testcase, it cause the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Double
    at NelderMead.funcEval(
    at Test.main(

I can't understand why it can't cast to Double?


Here is the javadoc of evaluate() function.

Was it helpful?


this test case should mimic your problem

package com.sg2net.test;

public class TestCast {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        TestCast tc= new TestCast();

    public double funcEval(){
        return ((Long) eval()).doubleValue();

    private Object eval() {
        return new Long(1);


It runs without problems. Is the code you posted the code that gives you the exception?

here is you code with the Long modification

import org.apache.commons.jexl2.*;

public class NelderMead {
    // контсанты
    private static int      M = 3;
    private static double   E = 0.005;
    private static double   A = 1.000;
    private static double   B = 0.500;
    private static double   Y = 2.000;

    // переменные
    private JexlEngine jexl;
    private Expression func;
    private String funcString = "";
    private MapContext[] iterations;

    public NelderMead(){
        this.jexl = new JexlEngine();

    public NelderMead(String funcString){
        this.jexl = new JexlEngine();

    public void setFunc(String funcString){
        this.funcString = funcString;
        this.func = this.jexl.createExpression(funcString);

    public double funcEval(MapContext args){
    return ((Long) this.func.evaluate(args)).doubleValue();


    public boolean checkCriterian(){
        return true;

It runs with no problems. The evaluate functions returns a Long which is an Object. The evaluate function can return any class since Object is the root class in Java.


return type of method is double why you are casting the result in return statement to Long ?

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