
This is my first post so please let me know if I missed sharing any detail on my problem.

I have below files ready in Magento kept in app/code/community:

A. Autogen > Restapi > etc > api2.xml

B. Autogen > Restapi > etc > config.xml

C. Autogen > Restapi > Model > Api2 > Order.php

D. Autogen > Restapi > Model > Api2 > Order > Rest > Admin > V1.php

Below is the part of code written in V1.php:

protected function _retrieveCollection() {
    $return_variable = array();
    $page = $this->getRequest()->getParam('page');
    $limit = $this->getRequest()->getParam('limit');

    $collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()

    $return_variable['order_count'] = $collection->getSize();
    $order_counter = 0;
    foreach ($collection as $order) {
        $return_variable['order'][$order_counter]['order_id'] = $order->getId();
        $return_variable['order'][$order_counter]['increment_id'] = $order->getIncrementId();

        $order_counter = $order_counter + 1;

    return json_encode($return_variable);   //I will refer this line again

When I hit restapi with Restclient, I get below output which is not fit for json_decode:


When I change (See commented line in above code) from "return json_encode($return_variable);" to "return $return_variable;", I get below output. This response is JSON fit for decode but I should receive more key-value pair instead of just 1:


Please help me to get JSON fit for decode data with all key-value pair.

Your help is appreciated.

Magento Version 1.8

No correct solution


Try to change your foreach to something like this.

    foreach ($collection as $order) {
        $return_variable['order'][] = [
            'order_id' => $order->getId(),
            'increment_id' => $order->increment_id(),

Finally I gave-up on getting correct JSON format. I used str_replace to remove un-necessary charactors to move forward.

Hope this helps anyone.

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