
Is there a way to visit all states (not only active ones) in boost msm? E.g. all UI controls placed in states should be resized on a resize event regardless of their state is active or not.

Update: Let me clarify a bit, I need some kind of iterator through all objects-states created by my state machine.

Update #2: Below is an example. I need to call the resize method of all states.

struct EventOne {};
struct EventTwo {};

struct StateOne : public state<> {
    void resize() { }

struct StateTwo : public state<> {
    void resize() { }

struct MyFsm : public state_machine_def<MyFsm> {
    typedef int no_exception_thrown;
    typedef StateOne initial_state;

    struct transition_table : boost::mpl::vector<
        //      Start,          Event,          Next,           Action,         Guard
        Row<    StateOne,       EventOne,       StateTwo,       none,           none            >,
        Row<    StateTwo,       EventTwo,       StateOne,       none,           none            >
    > {

typedef boost::msm::back::state_machine<MyFsm> Fsm;
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You have several ways. One would be to use a base class for states, but well, it'd be a base class, so here is the MPL way:

template <class stt>
struct Visit
    Visit(Fsm* fsm): fsm_(fsm){}
    template <class StateType>
    void operator()(boost::msm::wrap<StateType> const&)
        StateType& s = fsm_->template get_state<StateType&>();
    Fsm* fsm_;

Fsm f;
typedef Fsm::stt Stt;
// a set of all state types
typedef boost::msm::back::generate_state_set<Stt>::type all_states; //states
// visit them all using MPL
boost::mpl::for_each<all_states,boost::msm::wrap<boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> > (Visit<Stt>(&f));

It's an interesting question, I'll add it to the doc.

Cheers, Christophe

PS: this one is a bit too advanced for SO. It'd be faster on the boost list as I'm only an occasional SO visitor.


The samples contain this sample

That (among others?) shows how to use a State Visitor (docs) to visit states

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