
OK - I have a function which I call to dynamically add a radio button as per this question. This is the full function:

    // function used to create a new radio button
    function createNewRadioButton(

        // create a new radio button using supplied parameters
        var newRadioBtn = $('<input />').attr({
            type: "radio", id: newRadioBtnId, name: newRadioBtnName

        // create a new label and append the new radio button
        var newLabel = $('<label />').append(newRadioBtn).append(newRadioBtnText);

        // add the new radio button and refresh the buttonset
        $(selector).append(newLabel).append('<br />').buttonset("refresh");

So if I were to call the above function with the following code I would expect another radio button to be added underneath the radio buttons already contained in the div '#radioX' (assuming there is a div with id radioX containing radio buttons):

            // create a new radio button using the info returned from server
                    '#radioX', // Radio button div id
                    product.Id, // Id
                    product.Id, // Name
                    product.Name // Label Text

Given that on document ready, I tell jQuery to create me a buttonset out of the radio buttons contained in #radioX like so: $( "#radioX" ).buttonset();, why doesn't the call to $("#radioX").buttonset("refresh") in the function createNewRadioButton refresh the list of radio buttons?

The result that I see after a call to createNewRadioButton is made is a new label with the desired text is added but no new radio button. So instead of a nice new jQuery radio button sitting underneath whatever was already there, I see just a new label with text equivelant to product.Name (in the given example).

I've also noticed this warning output in firebug after a call is made to createNewRadioButton - could this have anything to do with it?

reference to undefined property $(this).button("widget")[0]


Here's a screenshot of what I expected to happen:

Here's a screenshot of what happens

Was it helpful?


My mistake. Actually the refresh method is taking good care of added radio elements at runtime.

The markup you are generating in createNewRadioButton() is I think not compatible with what the plugin expects.

You create:

<label><input /></label>

And the plugin expects:

<input /><label for=''></label>

Here is the modified function:

function createNewRadioButton(

    // create a new radio button using supplied parameters
    var newRadioBtn = $('<input />').attr({
        type: "radio", id: newRadioBtnId, name: newRadioBtnName

    // create a new label and append the new radio button
    var newLabel = $('<label />').attr('for', newRadioBtnId).text(newRadioBtnText);

    // add the input then the label (and forget about the <br/>

Don't forget to initiliaze the plugin, even if the container '#radioX' is empty:


I have made a jsfiddle for you to see a working example.


It must be a bug. Change jQuery version from 1.7.1 to 1.8.3, choose UI in jsfiddle1 and you will see that it is now working as expected.

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