
Below, I've attached a sample of my data as well as a sample of the chart output. I want to aggregate the data and include one row with this number; however, SSRS is just showing multiple of the same value.

In the example below, you'll notice there are 8 rows in Unit 1 and 8 rows in Unit 2, a total of 13. How can I get Unit 1 to have one row which shows 8 and one row in Unit 2 to show 5? Currently, the expression is =COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "DataSet1").

I've also tried adding in a column full of the number 1 which I could use to Sum on, but that produced the same results.

Originally I was doing this all in SQL; that is, producing the exact output I want in SQL and then charting in SSRS. However, this is no longer a viable solution as the end user would like to be able to drill down into the details of the report. I do imagine, if there is no easy way to do this (which I feel like there has to be), that I could write two queries, having one show the report and the other show the details.


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The second parameter of your count expression is the problem.

Don't use this:

=COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "DataSet1")

Try something like this instead:

=COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "UnitGroupName")

The group name should match what is shown in BIDS as the name you've given the grouping, such as under Row Groups.

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