
I need to create a celltable with 100% width and I need a relative width column and another two with fixed width.

I am doing it in this way:

table.setWidth("100%", true);
table.setColumnWidth(checkBoxColumn, 50, Unit.PX);
table.setColumnWidth(nameColumn, 35.0, Unit.PCT);
table.setColumnWidth(emailColumn,  65.0, Unit.PCT);

as says in

In FF it runs ok, but in Google Chrome but I can't get it working.

This is what I am getting

How can I fix this? Is there anything that I am doing wrong?

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From the screenshot of your DOM, I notice you have a table inside of a table. The upper most table having no width, and the inner most table having width 100%. I believe the upper most table having no width is what is giving you trouble here.

By any chance are you using a VerticalPanel to layout your CellTable? It's underlying implementation is a table which can cause this sort of wonkiness.

If so, you can try:

1: Using a FlowPanel, SimplePanel, or HTMLPanel instead. Their underlying implementations are divs, which as a block level element will expand to fill the entire width of their parent.

2: Apply width=100% to your VerticalPanel

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