
I need to wrap zend form error messages in custom html.

<div class="cerror" id="ID-error">
    <div class="ui-widget">
        <div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all" id="IDerror-msg">

Now I get errors in format:

    <li>Error message</li>

I need:

<div class="cerror" id="EMAIL-error">
    <div class="ui-widget">
        <div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all" id="EMAIL-error-msg">
                <li>Error message</li>

Thank you!

I have following code:

        $element->addDecorator('Description', array('tag' => 'p', 'class' => 'description'));
        $element->addDecorator('Label', array('tag' => null));
        $element->addDecorator(array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'form-line'));

How to wrap errors in 3 div tags? Thank!

Was it helpful?


    $element->addDecorator(array('div1' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div',
                    'class' => 'cerror', 'id' => 'EMAIL-error'));
    $element->addDecorator(array('div2' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div',
                    'class' => 'ui-widget'));
    $element->addDecorator(array('div3' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div',
                    'class' => 'ui-state-error ui-corner-all',
                    'id' => 'EMAIL-error-msg'));
    $element->addDecorator('Description', array('tag' => 'p', 'class' => 'description'));
    $element->addDecorator('Label', array('tag' => null));
    $element->addDecorator(array('row' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'form-line'));
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