
What is the best way to implement 'remember me' functionality on an ASP.NET web site?

Should I use custom cookies or is there a simpler method?

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Are you using the built in Authenication services provided by ASP.NET? If so, its pretty easy.


For me the solution was differentiating between a browser-session cookie (not to be confused with the session cookie) and a persistent one - setting a low expiration will create a persistent cookie meaning it gets remembered when the browser is closed and re-opened within the expiration time. The following works for me:

public void SetAuthenticationCookie(LoginView loginModel)
      if (!loginModel.RememberMe)
        FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(loginModel.Email, false);
      const int timeout = 2880; // Timeout is in minutes, 525600 = 365 days; 1 day = 1440.
      var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(loginModel.Email, loginModel.RememberMe, timeout);
      string encrypted = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
      var cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encrypted)
          Expires = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeout),
          HttpOnly = true
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