
I am currently building a web application using GWT, GWTP.

And I have some questions about testings:

  • Is there a Lint-like tool for GWTP or GWT?
  • How to test presenters? (GWTP with Mockito)
  • How to test views?


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Google put out a great article about using different testing methodologies with GWT. Definitely check it out. Personally, I use JUnit when I'm testing back-end stuff like business logic, and Selenium for testing the UI and application as a whole from the browser's perspective.


Presenters can be easily unit-tested using Jukito. Here's a quick example of a Presenter being tested using Jukito.

public class ShowCommentsPresenterTest {
    private ShowCommentsPresenter showCommentsPresenter;

    private PlaceManager placeManager;

    public void onReset_PlaceRequestHasNoShowId_ShouldHideView() {
        when(placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest()).thenReturn(new PlaceRequest());



    public void onReset_PlaceRequestHasAShowId_ShouldDisplayView() {
        String someShowId = "12345";
        when(placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest()).thenReturn(new PlaceRequest()
            .with(ParameterTokens.getShowId(), someShowId));



In GWTP's philosophy, Views should not be unit-tested directly. Using a dumb View that is a slave to the Presenter, most of the logic can be tested through unit tests on the Presenters. Tools like Selenium are a better fit for testing UI interactivity.

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