
Currently, everything that I've read indicates that you must run MongoDB as a separate process/service. Is there any way to host MongoDB in-process? If not now, are their known plans to implement such a feature?

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Based on my experience with MongoDB and my skimming of the issue tracker tickets at, I don't know of any way to host MongoDB in process. I also found no evidence of future plans to do so.

I would recommend asking this question on the mongodb-user mailing list:


MongoDB is GNU AGPL licensed so if you include (link) in your application then the source of that application will also be GNU AGPL licensed. You can of course launch MongoDB from your application at startup and terminate MongoDB again when the application stops.

You could use the Embedded MongoDB library, although it was designed for unit testing purposes.

Another Stack Overflow question has answers relevant to this question.

Embedded MongoDB when running integration tests

Specifically, it mentions an in-memory MongoDB for the JVM named Fongo.

Looks like Fongo is mainly for integration tests and/or learning. It may not handle all Mongo use-cases, but is worth a look.

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