
I was trying to build a template for storing some of the results I calculate, so I made this for initialization:

(deftemplate tempAlumne
    (slot nota-media-total)
    (slot nota-media-obligatorias)
    (slot nota-media-optativas)
    (slot nota-media-ales)

(deffacts tempAlumneFacts
        (nota-media-total -1)
        (nota-media-obligatorias -1)
        (nota-media-optativas -1)
        (nota-media-ales -1)

And then I'm trying to use that structure to store values, but I need it to be accesible from many rules, so I decided to make it global. So I tried to store values like this:

(defrule calcula-nota-media ""
    (not calcula-nota-media ok)
    ?*tmpA* <- (tempAlumne )

    (bind ?llista_convocs (send ?*alumne* get-IConvocatoria))
    (bind ?suma 0)
    (bind ?i 0) 
    (while(< ?i (length$ ?llista_convocs)) do
        (bind ?convoc_actual (nth$ ?i ?llista_convocs))
        (bind ?suma (+ ?suma (send ?convoc_actual get-Nota)))
        (bind ?i (+ ?i 1))
    (/ )    
    (modify (?*tmpA* (nota-media-total (/ ?suma ?i))
    (assert calcula-nota-media ok)

because I want ?*tmpA* to have the initial values and then assign each one with modify (here I assign nota-media-total), but it says "[PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for defrule.", so I don't know what is wrong or if I'm taking the wrong path.

Was it helpful?


Reading through the User's Guide would be helpful as it covers the basic syntax. I've corrected some of your errors:

(defrule calcula-nota-media ""
    (not (calcula-nota-media ok))
    ?tmpA <- (tempAlumne)
    (bind ?llista_convocs (send ?*alumne* get-IConvocatoria))
    (bind ?suma 0)
    (bind ?i 0) 
    (while(< ?i (length$ ?llista_convocs)) do
        (bind ?convoc_actual (nth$ ?i ?llista_convocs))
        (bind ?suma (+ ?suma (send ?convoc_actual get-Nota)))
        (bind ?i (+ ?i 1))
    ; (/ )  What's this for?  
    (modify ?tmpA (nota-media-total (/ ?suma ?i)))
    (assert (calcula-nota-media ok))
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