
I want to add a column to the datagrid in GWT, the column should show integer values. However, i cannot find any cell that can show an integer. This is my code

    Column<Trade, Integer> sellQuantityColumn = 
            new Column<Trade, Integer>(new NumberCell(NumberFormat.getFormat("##"))) {
                public Integer getValue(Trade object) {
                    return object.getSellQty();

This shows an error - The constructor Column(NumberCell) is undefined.

For now, i can show this integer as a string, but is there any way of displaying integer values?

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Found the answer myself,

The correct way of using the NumberCell is to use java.lang.Number as the data type and not integer or float.

        Column<Trade, Number> sellQuantityColumn = new Column<Trade, Number>(new NumberCell()) {
            public Integer getValue(Trade object) {
                return object.getSellQty();
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