
I'm new to Pex and I can't see how to use it with machine specific routines like DateTime.Now and File.Exists().

I have a function for displaying a cut-off DateTime with the time zone offset.

public class CommonDateTime
    public static string ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset(DateTime cutoffData)
        return String.Format(
            "{0} {1} GMT (local time is {2})", 
            DateTime.Now.ToString("zzz"), // here is the problem...

I have a Pex parameterized test which gets generated by the Pex Explorer

public partial class CommonDateTime_Test
    /// <summary>Test stub for ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset(DateTime)</summary>
    public string ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset(DateTime _cutOffData)
        string result = CommonDateTime.ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset(_cutOffData);
        return result;

However this generates a test which is machine-specific - it fails when the machine is in a non-GMT timezone.

public partial class CommonDateTime_Test
    public void ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset156()
        string s;
        s = this.ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset(default(DateTime));
            ("Monday, January 01, 0001 12:00 AM GMT (local time is +00:00)", s);

What can I do in this situation? Can I tell it to skip exploring functions which refer to functions such as DateTime.Now or File.Exists(). Or can I tell it to always use a specific time zone somehow?

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This is what the Moles project is for. It lets you mock basically anything, including built-in static functions like DateTime.Now.

The appropriate 'Moled' code would look something like this:

public string ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset(DateTime _cutOffData)
    MDateTime.NowGet = () => /* some value */;

    string result = CommonDateTime.ConvertToLongStringWithGmtOffset(_cutOffData);
    return result;

Here's a longer tutorial which actually uses DateTime.Now as its example.

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