
I have an issue with directory creation in Android. I use this code to create a directory if doesn't exist and then create a file under it.

dir=new File(Constants.TASK_DIRECTORY);
file=new File(dir, FILENAME);   

Sometimes it works fine, but sometimes when I check the folder from adb shell I see directories ending with 3 or more "|" characters. My directory name format is "Abc_123-10.10.2000 ". What I see sometimes is exactly the same, but sometimes "Abc_123-10.10.2000|||" . I need to access the files under directories with the help of their name format but this situation makes it hard, any help would be appreciated.

I set TASK directory in this code


app is my application object

Edit: Solved this problem, it was because TASK_DIRECTORY was not properly set and contains "|" characters. But how can this be possible?

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File can't store or save with some special character as below.

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