
I have an XML with differently namespaced attributes - it's basicly a kind of extended XHTML. I want to dump all the non-xhtml namespaced attributes.

Examplary source XML:

    <p class="test" xy:foo="true">blah</p>

At the moment, i have the following XSLT template:

<xsl:template match="@*">
        <xsl:when test='namespace-uri()=""'><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:when>

Desired output XML:

    <p class="test">blah</p>

But it doesn't seem to match, because i get an output XML completely without attributes. I have the feeling that namespace-uri() does not work as expected. Any ideas?

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The attributes on XHTML elements (like your class one) are attributes in no namespace, not in the XHTML namespace. So use

<xsl:template match="@*[namespace-uri() != '']"/>

plus the identity transformation template.

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