What is the best chart to visualize this data (number of users, number of users gained, number of users lost)

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301553


I want to represent some data visually, using a visualization component. Now I want to represent this situation in a visual way: Suppose I have an web application. I want to get an overview in a visual way about how users are reacting to it.


  • in Day1 I have 2 users: u1, u2
  • in Day2 I have 2 users: u1, u2
  • In Day3 I have 3 users: u3, u4

It is useless to draw a line chart here. Because I'll be seeing a constant line. Although I have lost 2 users and gained 2 users in Day3.

How to represent this data in a chart? The chart should give me an idea about: -

  • total number of users
  • number of users lost
  • number of users gained.
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Edit: after further thinking, I think this is the best. The other options I listed seem inadequate.

A grouped bar chart like this: Grouped bar chart http://www.virtuallywiredinc.com/3D_Charts/ASPNET.JPG

With one bar for each category, number on Y axis and date on X axis.

(Image from Google search, unknown copyright)


Stacked bar. Top of the stack is new users in a day. It sits on top of (total users at day start - new users), which sits on the x-axis. Dipping below the x-axis is users lost. Thus the height above the x-axis is the actual number of users that day, and the total height of the bar (above and below the x-axis) is the total number of users before your users were lost.

I like Adam Bellaire's suggestion. I just threw together this little sketch of what that might look like. (I prefer simple lines instead of thick bars). After sketching it out, I'm not sure how much I like it. Any thoughts?

my sketch of Adam Bellaire's suggestion

Personally I would use a line for the users in a day and a bar for the number of new users/total users.

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