
I'm kind of feeling nostalgic and want to play on a C64 like I did when I was 10, but I don't have one to hand.

Is there an emulator available?

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OTHER TIPS is a decent emulator. Please ask programming questions though.

You don't mention which platform you're wanting to run it on. Vice is probably your best choice as an open source emulator which handles a number of platforms (including the C64):

If you loved programming the C64, take a look at XGameStation which is a project to get back to the basics...having fun, and I think one will learn a lot (specially those who never had one of the 80' pre-PC computers)

There is also a C64 emulator put in a joystick Direct-to-TV

There is a thing callec the VersatIle Commodore Emulator (VICE) that will emulate the hardware, but you will have to find ROM images, and have a legal real ROM to use it.

But why? Just buy a real one. They don't cost too much.

This is just a proof-of-concept, but there's also a C64 emulator written in Flash. It's pretty useless, but interesting nonetheless:

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