
I was looking to do a .fadeIn() animation chained to this .after(), but this doesn't appear to be the way of doing it. Any suggestions?

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You should use .insertAfter();



In addition to @EmreErkan's answer, try minimizing your code. Use parents() and select the id or class of the div you wish to add the text after instead of using parent() three times:


EDIT: As pointed out in the comments, it is better to use closest() instead of parents() if you are targeting a single element, which using parents() with a selector usually implies.

$.fn.after() will return the element it was run on (in this case $(clicked_item).parent().parent().parent()). If that is the element you want to fadeIn then I see no problem. If you want to fadeIn() the 'str' element instead I'd suggest doing this:


A more stable way of getting a specific parent of an element that doesn't require you to change the number of .parent() calls if you change the HTML is to use .parents() together with a tag name:


Change the 'p' to the element you want to reach.

Edit: woops, too late.

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