
Usually i'm using cherokee. Due to some critical issues with the latest chrome release i had to change my productive server to nginx for the time being.

Currently trying to get my configuration working as it did in cherokee. I'm using a very simple uwsgi handler:

    location /project1 {
            include uwsgi_params;
            uwsgi_pass localhost:3032;

Works fine, the project is available on But django takes as project root.

Example how i want it to work: Multiple projects on one subdomain: project1 on /project1, project2 on /project2, etc.

The Django regex rule "^$" should work on every project like:

In Project1: ^$ -> /project1

In Project2: ^$ -> /project2 etc.

Is there a way to get this in nginx working?


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nginx does not set SCRIPT_NAME automatically as Cherokee.

You can force it with

uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /project1;

you then need to rewrite the PATH_INFO, uWSGI can do this automatically for you setting

uwsgi_modifier1 30

So full nginx config:

 location /project1 {

        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /project1;
        uwsgi_modifier1 30;
        uwsgi_pass localhost:3032;

Another approach would be doing the whole job in uWSGI passing --manage-script-name as option and leaving the nginx config untouched.

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