
I'm having trouble using MobileSubstrate's MSHookFunction() to hook certain library function calls. For example, hooking memcpy and memset causes a crash on app launch however hooking memcmp works fine.

I assume that this is because the hooking code itself uses those function calls?

Is there any way to hook memcpy and memset on iOS?

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I never got to the bottom of this. I was thinking that maybe MobileSubstrate calls functions in the same memory page that I'm trying to hook and therefore the mem protections get all messed up.

I got around this by writing my own hooking function.


I got the same situation for memcpy and opendir. iPhone 5, iOS6.1.2

MSHookFunction sometimes returns odd (xxxx3) address as original routine's address. It's nonsense for ARM.

I've encountered this one as well and I think the reason for the failure is that the function that the loader returns as dlsym for memcpy is actually not a real function, but a stub for it. I've dumped the address and the bytes, decached the libsystem_c and verified that this following function is returned to me by dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "memcpy")

; void *memcpy_0(void *, const void *, size_t)
__picsymbolstub4:3947B37C                 EXPORT _memcpy_0
__picsymbolstub4:3947B37C _memcpy_0                               ; CODE XREF: _strlcpy+22p
__picsymbolstub4:3947B37C                                         ; _strlcpy+32p ...
__picsymbolstub4:3947B37C                 LDR             R12, =(_memcpy_ptr - 0x3947B388) ; j__memcpy
__picsymbolstub4:3947B380                 ADD             R12, PC, R12 ; _memcpy_ptr
__picsymbolstub4:3947B384                 LDR             PC, [R12] ; _memcpy
__picsymbolstub4:3947B384 ; End of function _memcpy_0
__picsymbolstub4:3947B388 off_3947B388    DCD _memcpy_ptr - 0x3947B388

As you can see this code is PC relative and this is probably why the MSHook fails. If you try to hook the real function instead, the one that this stub calls - it works.

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