
Suppose I have a WeakReference of a target strong reference. I'd like to be informed when the target object itself is being collected by the GC. Is it possible?

EDIT: Adding code to the finalizer/destructor is not an option here. I need something that is not dependent on class code.

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It's possible under .NET 4.0 and following using ConditionalWeakTable<TKey, TValue>. Thanks this, and other sites. It follows proof of concept code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace Test
    public static class GCInterceptor
        private static ConditionalWeakTable<object, CallbackRef> _table;

        static GCInterceptor()
            _table = new ConditionalWeakTable<object, CallbackRef>();

        public static void RegisterGCEvent(this object obj, Action<int> action)
            CallbackRef callbackRef;
            bool found = _table.TryGetValue(obj, out callbackRef);
            if (found)
                callbackRef.Collected += action;

            int hashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(obj);
            callbackRef = new CallbackRef(hashCode);
            callbackRef.Collected += action;
            _table.Add(obj, callbackRef);

        public static void DeregisterGCEvent(this object obj, Action<int> action)
            CallbackRef callbackRef;
            bool found = _table.TryGetValue(obj, out callbackRef);
            if (!found)
                throw new Exception("No events registered");

            callbackRef.Collected -= action;

        private class CallbackRef
            private int _hashCode;
            public event Action<int> Collected;

            public CallbackRef(int hashCode)
                _hashCode = hashCode;

                Action<int> handle = Collected;
                if (handle != null)

Tested with the following code:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    private object _obj;

    public Form1()

        _obj = new object();

        _obj.RegisterGCEvent(delegate(int hashCode)
            MessageBox.Show("Object with hash code " + hashCode + " recently collected");

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        _obj = null;


What about Object.Finalize() method? Won't that be invoked upon finalization?

You may use interception to catch Finalize for each classes which is inherited from a custom interface/class. I think, this is what you want to try to achieve, right? You can use Unity for that. Here is a very short example how to do interception with Unity.

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