
I have a class library project which contains a java script file "libscript.js" which is located in the library/Resources/Scripts folder.

I marked "libscript.js" file as an Embedded Resource from property window.

I also added the following line of code to assemblyInfo.cs:

[assembly: WebResource("Library.Resources.Scripts.libscript.js", "text/javascript")]

Finally, I referenced the library in my website project.

When I run the project on local machine, it works fine and javascript file was loaded correctly. Also when I create an application in IIS, it works fine.

But when i upload the project to the host, the script file is not loaded and not found!

Was it helpful?


What you have done are steps 1 (embed the js as a resource) and 2 (add the webresource to assembly.cs) out of 3.

The third step is to extract the js and send it to the browser:

  protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

       this.GetType(), "libscript", 

You also need to modify the webresource definition in assembly.cs to include the PerformSubstitution parameter so that the correct path to the js is generated:

[assembly: WebResource("Library.Resources.Scripts.libscript.js", "text/javascript", PerformSubstitution = true)]
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