
if your website links to another site that has been blacklisted by Google this is bad for your ranking
Sites like onlinealley helps you to know if there're problems with a website you are linking to.
Does any Google API Exist .. or how are websites like this checking if a url is banned?
Are they checking the 'PageRank value' or something else?

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I like the nofollow suggestion. Its what SO does. Take a look at the page source.

You could also maybe do a 'site:PLACE_URL_HERE' lookup on Google to see if it actually returns any pages.

Also have you looked at the Google Safe Browsing API? Looks like that might be what your after.


A banned page has no-cache.

Checking cache is good advice but Banned site might have cache for awhile after the ban.

Cross examine data like

  • PR score (if banned PR=0)
  • Results for Google search (if banned nothing will appear)
  • Check cache (if banned no cache will be available)

If 2 or more provide positive indication of ban, then you've been banned. (unless it`s a new, yet to be, indexed domain)

Also you should sign up in WMT (Web Master Tools) and if you get banned you might receive this notification:

Hope this helps.

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