
I'm trying to write a stored procedure to select employees who have birthdays that are upcoming.

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Birthday > @Today AND Birthday < @Today + @NumDays

This will not work because the birth year is part of Birthday, so if my birthday was '09-18-1983' that will not fall between '09-18-2008' and '09-25-2008'.

Is there a way to ignore the year portion of date fields and just compare month/days?

This will be run every monday morning to alert managers of birthdays upcoming, so it possibly will span new years.

Here is the working solution that I ended up creating, thanks Kogus.

SELECT * FROM Employees 
WHERE Cast(DATEDIFF(dd, birthdt, getDate()) / 365.25 as int)
    - Cast(DATEDIFF(dd, birthdt, futureDate) / 365.25 as int) 
<> 0
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Note: I've edited this to fix what I believe was a significant bug. The currently posted version works for me.

This should work after you modify the field and table names to correspond to your database.

  "Database name".dbo.EMPLOYEES EMP
          (FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,EMP.BRTHDATE,GETDATE()) / 365.25))

Basically, it gets the # of days from their birthday to now, and divides that by 365 (to avoid rounding issues that come up when you convert directly to years).

Then it gets the # of days from their birthday to a week from now, and divides that by 365 to get their age a week from now.

If their birthday is within a week, then the difference between those two values will be 1. So it returns all of those records.


In case someone is still looking for a solution in MySQL (slightly different commands), here's the query:

 FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DATE(NOW()),birthday) / 365.25) AS age_now,
 FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(DATE(NOW()),INTERVAL 30 DAY),birthday) / 365.25) AS age_future

FROM user

WHERE 1 = (FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(DATE(NOW()),INTERVAL 30 DAY),birthday) / 365.25)) - (FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DATE(NOW()),birthday) / 365.25))

ORDER BY MONTH(birthday),DAY(birthday)

Best use of datediff and dateadd. No rounding, no approximates, no 29th of february bug, nothing but date functions

  1. ageOfThePerson = DATEDIFF(yyyy,dateOfBirth, GETDATE())

  2. dateOfNextBirthday = DATEADD(yyyy,ageOfThePerson + 1, dateOfBirth)

  3. daysBeforeBirthday = DATEDIFF(d,GETDATE(), dateofNextBirthday)

Thanks to @Gustavo Cardoso, new definition for the age of the person

  1. ageOfThePerson = FLOOR(DATEDIFF(d,dateOfBirth, GETDATE())/365.25)

Liked the approach of @strelc, but his sql was a bit off. Here's an updated version that works well and is simple to use:

WHERE (DATEDIFF(dd, getdate(), DATEADD(yyyy, 
    DATEDIFF(yyyy, birthdate, getdate()) + 1, birthdate)) + 1) % 366 <= <number of days>

edit 10/2017: add single day to end

You could use the DAYOFYEAR function but be careful when you want to look for January birthdays in December. I think you'll be fine as long as the date range you're looking for doesn't span the New Year.

Sorry didn't see the requirement to neutralize the year.

select * from Employees
where DATEADD (year, DatePart(year, getdate()) - DatePart(year, Birthday), Birthday)
      between convert(datetime, getdate(), 101) 
              and convert(datetime, DateAdd(day, 5, getdate()), 101)

This should work.

I found the solution for this. This may save someone's precious time.

 select EmployeeID,DOB,  from emp_tb_eob_employeepersonal 
 cross join dbo.GetDays(Getdate(),Getdate()+7) as dates where weekofmonthnumber>0
 and month( and day(

/****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[GetDays]    Script Date: 11/30/2011 13:19:17 ******/
--SELECT [dbo].[GetDays] ('02/01/2011','02/28/2011')

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetDays](@startDate datetime, @endDate datetime)
(Days int ,Date datetime, WeekOfMonthNumber int, WeekOfMonthDescription varchar(10), DayName varchar(10))
    DECLARE @nextDay int
    DECLARE @nextDate datetime 
    DECLARE @WeekOfMonthNum int 
    DECLARE @WeekOfMonthDes varchar(10) 
    DECLARE @DayName varchar(10) 
    SELECT @nextDate = @startDate, @WeekOfMonthNum = DATEDIFF(week, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH,0,@startDate),0),@startDate) + 1, 
    @WeekOfMonthDes = CASE @WeekOfMonthNum 
        WHEN '1' THEN 'First' 
        WHEN '2' THEN 'Second' 
        WHEN '3' THEN 'Third' 
        WHEN '4' THEN 'Fourth' 
        WHEN '5' THEN 'Fifth' 
        WHEN '6' THEN 'Sixth' 
    = DATENAME(weekday, @startDate)
SET @nextDay=1
WHILE @nextDate <= @endDate 
    INSERT INTO @retValue values (@nextDay,@nextDate, @WeekOfMonthNum, @WeekOfMonthDes, @DayName) 
    SELECT @nextDay=@nextDay + 1 
SELECT @nextDate = DATEADD(day,1,@nextDate), 
    = DATEDIFF(week, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH,0, @nextDate),0), @nextDate) + 1, 
    = CASE @WeekOfMonthNum 
    WHEN '1' THEN 'First' 
    WHEN '2' THEN 'Second' 
    WHEN '3' THEN 'Third' 
    WHEN '4' THEN 'Fourth' 
    WHEN '5' THEN 'Fifth' 
    WHEN '6' THEN 'Sixth' 
    = DATENAME(weekday, @nextDate) 

WHILE(@nextDay <=31)

    INSERT INTO @retValue values (@nextDay,@nextDate, 0, '', '') 
    SELECT @nextDay=@nextDay + 1



Make a cross join with the dates and check for the comparison of month and dates.

My guess is using "365.25" soon or later would be fail.

So I test the working solution using "365.25" And It don't return the same numbers of rows for every case. Here an example:!3/94c3ce/7

test with year 2016 and 2116 and you will see the difference. I only can post one link but change de /7 by /8 to see both queries. (/10 and /11 for the first answer)

So, I suggest this another query, where the point is determinate next birthday from a starting date and then compare if it is in my range of interest.

SELECT * FROM Employees 
CASE WHEN (DATEADD(yyyy,DATEDIFF(yyyy, birthdt, @fromDate),birthdt) < @fromDate )
THEN DATEADD(yyyy,DATEDIFF(yyyy, birthdt, @fromDate)+1,birthdt)
ELSE DATEADD(yyyy,DATEDIFF(yyyy, birthdt, @fromDate),birthdt) END
BETWEEN @fromDate AND @toDate

This is solution for MS SQL Server: It returns employees with birthdays in 30 days.

SELECT * FROM rojstni_dnevi
                    DATEADD (   yyyy, 
                                DATEDIFF(yyyy, rDan, getdate()),
    nex             )
        +365) % 365 < 30

In less than a month: 

SELECT * FROM people WHERE MOD( DATEDIFF( CURDATE( ) , `date_birth`) /30, 12 ) <1 and (((month(`date_birth`)) = (month(curdate())) and (day(`date_birth`)) > (day (curdate() ))) or ((month(`date_birth`)) > (month(curdate())) and (day(`date_birth`)) < (day (curdate() ))))

You could use DATE_FORMAT to extract the day and month parts of the birthday dates.

EDIT: sorry i didn't see that he wasn't using MySQL.

Assuming this is T-SQL, use DATEPART to compare the month and date separately.

Alternatively, subtract January 1st of the current year from everyone's birthday, and then compare using the year 1900 (or whatever your epoch year is).

Most of these solutions are close, but you have to remember a few extra scenarios. When working with birthdays and a sliding scale, you must be able to handle the transition into the next month.

For example Stephens example works great for birthdays up until the last 4 days of the month. Then you have a logic fault as the valid dates if today was the 29th would be :29, 30, AND then 1, 2, 3 of the NEXT month, so you have to condition for that as well.

An alternative would be to parse the date from the birthday field, and sub in the current year, then do a standard range comparison.

Another thought: Add their age in whole years to their birthday (or one more if their Birthday hasn't happened yet and then compare as you do above. Use DATEPART and DATEADD to do this.

The edge case of a range spanning the year would have to have special code.

Bonus tip: consider using BETWEEN...AND instead of repeating the Birthday operand.

This should work...


SELECT @endDate = getDate()+6, @today = getDate()

SELECT * FROM Employees 
    (DATEPART (month, birthday) >= DATEPART (month, @today)
        AND DATEPART (day, birthday) >= DATEPART (day, @today))
    (DATEPART (month, birthday) < DATEPART (month, @endDate)
        AND DATEPART (day, birthday) < DATEPART (day, @endDate))

I faced the same problem with my college project a few years ago. I responded (in a rather weasel way) by splitting the year and the date(MM:DD) in two separate columns. And before that, my project mate was simply getting all the dates and programatically going through them. We changed that because it was too inefficient - not that my solution was any more elegant either. Also, its probably not possible to do in a database that has been in use for a while by multiple apps.

Give this a try:

SELECT * FROM Employees
WHERE DATEADD(yyyy, DATEPART(yyyy, @Today)-DATEPART(yyyy, Birthday), Birthday) > @Today 
AND DATEADD(yyyy, DATEPART(yyyy, @Today)-DATEPART(yyyy, Birthday), Birthday) < DATEADD(dd, @NumDays, @Today)

Nuts! A good solution between when I started thinking about this and when I came back to answer. :)

I came up with:

select  (365 + datediff(d,getdate(),cast(cast(datepart(yy,getdate()) as varchar(4)) + '-' + cast(datepart(m,birthdt) as varchar(2)) + '-' + cast(datepart(d,birthdt) as varchar(2)) as datetime))) % 365
from    employees
where   (365 + datediff(d,getdate(),cast(cast(datepart(yy,getdate()) as varchar(4)) + '-' + cast(datepart(m,birthdt) as varchar(2)) + '-' + cast(datepart(d,birthdt) as varchar(2)) as datetime))) % 365 < @NumDays

You don't need to cast getdate() as a datetime, right?

This is a combination of a couple of the answers that was tested. This will find the next brithday after a certain date and the age they will be. Also the numdays will limit the range you are looking 7 days = week etc.

SELECT DISTINCT FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,Birthday, @BeginDate) / 365.25) + 1 age,
DATEADD(yyyy, FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,Birthday, @BeginDate) / 365.25) + 1, Birthday) nextbirthday, birthday
FROM         table
WHERE     DATEADD(yyyy, FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,Birthday, @BeginDate) / 365.25) + 1, Birthday) > @BeginDate  
AND DATEADD(yyyy, FLOOR(DATEDIFF(dd,Birthday, @BeginDate) / 365.25) + 1, Birthday) < DATEADD(dd, @NumDays, @BeginDate)
order by nextbirthday

The best way to achieve the same is


SELECT Member.* from vwMember AS Member  
                      DATEPART(YEAR, Member.dBirthDay)), Member.dBirthDay)
BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate)

Upcoming Birthday for the Employee - Sqlserver

    EmployeeIDs     int,
    dob         datetime
INSERT INTO @sam (dob, EmployeeIDs)
SELECT DOBirth, EmployeeID FROM Employee

    SELECT *, bd_this_year = DATEADD(YEAR, DATEPART(YEAR, GETDATE()) - DATEPART(YEAR, dob), dob)
    FROM @sam s
) d
WHERE d.bd_this_year > DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()), 0)
AND d.bd_this_year <= DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()), 3)

I used this for MySQL, probably not the most efficient way to query but simple enough to implement.

select * from `schema`.`table` where date_format(birthday,'%m%d') >= date_format(now(),'%m%d') and date_format(birthday,'%m%d') < date_format(DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 DAY),'%m%d');

i believe this ticket has been closed ages ago but for the benefit of getting the correct sql query please have a look.

FROM Hr_table 

fetching the original birth_date and replacing the birth year to the current but have to  deduct 7 days to adjust jan 1-7 birthdate.

datediff(d,getdate(),DATEADD(year,datediff(year,DATEADD(d,-7,hr.DATE_OF_BIRTH),getdate()),hr.date_of_birth)) between 0 and 7

-- current date looks ahead to 7 days for upcoming modified year birth date.

order by

-- sort by no of days before the birthday

Better and easy solution:

select * from users with(nolock)
where date_of_birth is not null 
                  DATEADD(yy, -(YEAR(GETDATE())-1900),GETDATE()), --Today
                  DATEADD(yy, -(YEAR(date_of_birth)-1901),date_of_birth)
      ) % 365
) = 30

I hope this helps u in some way....

select Employeename,DOB 
from Employeemaster
where day(Dob)>day(getdate()) and month(DOB)>=month(getDate())

This solution also takes care for birthdays in the next year and the ordering: (dob = day of birth; bty = birthday this year; nbd = next birthday)

with rs (bty) as (
    SELECT DATEADD(Year, DATEPART(Year, GETDATE()) - DATEPART(Year, dob), dob) as bty FROM Employees
rs2 (nbd) as (
  select case when bty < getdate() then DATEADD(yyyy, 1, bty) else bty end as nbd from rs
select nbd, DATEDIFF(d, getdate(), nbd) as diff from rs2 where DATEDIFF(d, getdate(), nbd) < 14 order by diff

This version, which avoids comparison of the dates, could be faster:

with rs (dob, bty) as (
    SELECT dob, DATEADD(Year, DATEPART(Year, GETDATE()) - DATEPART(Year, DOB), DOB) as bty FROM employee
rs2 (dob, nbd) as (
  select dob,  DATEADD(yyyy, FLOOR(ABS((-1*(SIGN(DATEDIFF(d, getdate(), bty))))+0.1)), bty) as nbd from rs
rs3 (dob, diff) as (
  select dob, datediff(d, getdate(), nbd) as diff from rs2
select dob, diff  from rs3 where diff < 14 order by diff

If the range covers the 29 of February in the next year, then use:

with rs (dob, ydiff) as (
  select dob, DATEPART(Year, GETDATE()) - DATEPART(Year, DOB) as ydiff from Employee
rs2 (dob, bty, ydiff) as (
  select dob, DATEADD(Year, ydiff, dob) as bty, ydiff from rs
rs3 (dob, nbd) as (
  select dob, DATEADD(yyyy, FLOOR(ABS((-1*(SIGN(DATEDIFF(d, getdate(), bty))))+0.1)) +  ydiff, dob) as nbd from rs2
rs4 (dob, ddiff, nbd) as (
  select dob, datediff(d, getdate(), nbd) as diff, nbd from rs3
select dob, nbd, ddiff from rs4 where ddiff < 68 order by ddiff

You can also use DATEPART:

-- To find out Today's Birthday
SELECT  @today = getdate()

FROM SMIS_Registration 
WHERE (DATEPART (month, DOB) >= DATEPART (month, @today)
      AND DATEPART (day, DOB) = DATEPART (day, @today))

Current months birthday

SELECT * FROM tblMember m
WHERE m.GDExpireDate != '' 
AND CONVERT(CHAR(2),CONVERT(datetime, m.dob, 103), 101) = CONVERT(CHAR(2), GETDATE(), 101)    
AND CONVERT(CHAR(2),CONVERT(datetime, m.dob, 103), 103) >= CONVERT(CHAR(2), GETDATE(), 103)

select BirthDate,Name from Employees order by Case WHEN convert(nvarchar(5),BirthDate,101) > convert(nvarchar(5),GETDATE(),101) then 2 WHEN convert(nvarchar(5),BirthDate,101) < convert(nvarchar(5),GETDATE(),101) then 3 WHEN convert(nvarchar(5),BirthDate,101) = convert(nvarchar(5),GETDATE(),101) then 1 else 4 end ,convert(nvarchar(2),BirthDate,101),convert(nvarchar(2),BirthDate,105)

Below query will return all next birthday of employee, it is shortest query.

                                DATEPART(yyyy, getdate())-DATEPART(yyyy, Employee.DOB )
                                    ((DATEPART(mm, Employee.DOB)*100)+DATEPART(dd, Employee.DOB))
                                    ((DATEPART(mm, getdate())*100) + DATEPART(dd, getdate()))
            ) NextDOB
    NextDOB ;

Above query will cover all next month excluding current date.

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