
I'm trying to programmatically add a custom option to a product, there are no errors being returned, but the custom option doesn't get added. I've tried a few methods to achieve this, without much luck.

Here's my code as it stands:

$product = $this->objectManager->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->load($productID);

$productOption = $this->objectManager->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option');
    'title' => 'Text',
    'price' => '1.00',
    'max_characters' => '50',
    'price_type' => 'fixed',
    'sort_order' => '1'

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


I've now tried a different method:

$product = $this->objectManager->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->load($productID);
    'title' => 'Text',
    'type' => 'area',
    'is_require' => 1,
    'values' => [
            'title' => 'Text',
            'price' => '1.00',
            'price_type' => 'fixed',
            'max_characters' => '50'

But this gives me the following error:

[Magento\Framework\Validator\Exception] Invalid option value

However, I cannot figure out what's invalid.

Was it helpful?


You don't need to specify values for the option type you are trying to add. Please try example below.

/** @var \Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductCustomOptionInterface $customOption */
$customOption = $this->objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductCustomOptionInterface');
$customOptions[] = $customOption;

Also, you can find a lot of examples on how to add products, attributes, options, etc in fixtures for integration tests. For instance, take a look in dev/tests/integration/testsuite/Magento/Catalog/_files


Here is the another sample code that can import product custom options from array. The basic and required field are added in the code. You can add more field as you need. you can import all of type of custom options with this code. I have checked the code can update options attribute and prices also.

This is a sample array data

$datas = array(
            "sku" => "951391-1-1",
            "attributes" => '[{"title":"Add \"I\'m a pro\" on the back title", "type":"checkbox", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"1", "values":[{"title":"Add \"I\'m a pro\" on the back", "price":"2.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"Add my name", "price":"6.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"Add my name title", "type":"field", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"2", "price":"0.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test area title", "type":"area", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"3", "price":"16.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test file title", "type":"file", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"5", "price":"4.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test dropdown title", "type":"drop_down", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"6", "values":[{"title":"test dropdown 1", "price":"7.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"test dropdown 2", "price":"8.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"Test radio title", "type":"radio", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"7", "values":[{"title":"Test radio1", "price":"9.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"Test radio2", "price":"10.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"Test multiselect title", "type":"multiple", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"8", "values":[{"title":"Test m-select1", "price":"11.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"Test m-select2", "price":"12.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"test date title", "type":"date", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"9", "price":"13.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test data-time title", "type":"date_time", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"10", "price":"14.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test time title", "type":"time", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"11", "price":"15.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}]'

This is the code

 $options = array();
    foreach ($datas as $data) {
        $_product = $this->_objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Api\ProductRepositoryInterface')->get($data['sku'], true);
        $options = json_decode($data['attributes'], true);
        foreach ($options as $arrayOption) {
            $isRequire = $arrayOption['is_require'] == 0 ? true : false;
            $customOption = $this->_objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductCustomOptionInterface');
            if (!in_array($arrayOption['type'], array('drop_down', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'multiple'))) {
            } else {
            $customOptions[] = $customOption;

I think it will help you. Thanks to Igor Melnykov

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